Quantum’s Methyl B12 Nasal Spray

(3 customer reviews)


Dosage Per Spray: 2500 mcg of Q-Methyl B12, and 300 mcg of Folic Acid
Sprays Per Bottle: 60
This is a proprietary Charged Liquid

116 in stock

Discount per Quantity

2 - 10$84.15
11 - 100$74.25
101 +$72.27

116 in stock



Quantum’s Super-Red Methyl B12 is a powerful patented (US12/723,421) experience. Invented by Stan Kurtz who recovered himself from severe digestive issues, fatigue and brain fog and also helped his son recover from several diagnoses. More than 60,000 happy families have received bottles from pharmacies all over the world and today, you can get it direct.

Q-MB12 is a unique formulation and administration that shows near-instant effects on QEEG brain scans.  

Richard Deth, PhD writes: The striking effects of Stan’s Methylcobalamin research on EEG activity may represent a breakthrough, not only in understanding and treating ADHD, but in understanding the molecular origins of human attention. 123

Richard Deth, PhD.
Molecular Neuropharmacologist and Professor
of Pharmacology at Northeastern University

Qeeg Study Video
Sari with Brain Fog and her First Dose of Methyl B12 Nasal Spray

Additional information

Weight 0.056699 kg

3 reviews for Quantum’s Methyl B12 Nasal Spray

  1. Connie B.

    This product changed my life. I had terrible attention issues and from the first spray I felt normal for first time in a long time.

  2. Christy (Savion’s Mom)

    I know Stan from his work in the school my son was attending, Children’s Corner. After I took my first dose of this spray, I could read out loud for the first time. I didn’t realize how ashamed I was and I couldn’t stop crying. I used to let my husband read to him. After using this product I was reading every night to my son. I could breathe easier through my asthma. One spray. I can’t recommend this enough. Here is a video about the first time I took the spray. https://youtu.be/s7BvlQqq-0U

  3. Laura Shanahan

    At 17-month old son Walker had only slept through the night four times. Each night, he would wake for hours, crying. He had abdominal pain, diarrhea, and chronic ear infections. He was learning to speak, and then seemed to suddenly lose some of his words right around the time of a regular doctors visit. Words like doggy became “da,” and words like mommy were gone. When he would nap he would wake in a sort of daze and he was generally more tired and irritable. His hair pattern was strange too.  We were devastated.We went to pediatricians who prescribed antibiotics and recommended surgery to put tubes in his ears.  We went to a gastroenterologist who recommended a white flour diet, and an allergist who handed us a small shopping bag full of drug samples. We felt hopeless, with our instincts telling us that none of this was right for our baby.  It was not until my husband had a chance meeting with Stan in an Apple store, that our lives began to change.  Stan approached my husband about Walker and said he felt that walker was struggling with speech delay and gut issues.  My husband was taken back at how someone who he had never met could know that our son was suffering. Without ever meeting me, Stan spent 90 minutes on the phone carefully explaining a diet we could. We began immediately, and that same night our son slept peacefully through the night.  The next day, while sitting at the dinner table and said, “Walker likes doggies!”  We were in utter disbelief.  Walker was now speaking clearly.  He would wake from his nap alert and happy.  Then we added [Vitamin] MB12 Nasal Spray and his vocabulary increased even more. Now, 10 months later, Walker is doing great. He has never had another ear infection, his GI issues are nearly gone, and people are always commenting on his incredible speech and vocabulary.  Additionally in three weeks his hair had completely grown back in. Stan also sent us to a great physician who understands the Defeat Autism Now! philosophies. Even though Walker is now a typical boy, we now know how to keep him out of trouble.Stan has done for us what no doctor was able to do – heal our son. He has always been available to us, and has never asked for anything in return. Stan changed our lives, and to us, he is a hero.

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